Scratch in 2nd Grade

2nd graders using Scratch? Definitely! After the Hour of Code, 2nd grade loved anything to do with coding so near the end of the year, they did a couple of projects in Scratch.

Just like 3rd, 4th, and 6th grades, 2nd grade also created a Shapes project in Scratch. Because most of the 2nd graders aren’t proficient in multiplication and can’t do division yet, the math part of this project became an estimating task along with knowledge of how many sides the shapes required had. After learning how to draw a square and talking about the degree of angles of turning, 2nd grade got to work programming their sprites to draw a square, a triangle, a circle, and one of a pentagon, hexagon or octagon. They knew that for a square, they had to repeat 4 times because a square has 4 sides and they knew that they would be turning 90 degrees because that’s how many degrees a right-angle has. They also knew that the repeat was the number of sides that the shape they wanted to draw has and they knew that the angle had to change when the repeat value changed. They also knew that if there was still a gap when they were done drawing, then the angle was too small and if the lines for the shape crossed then the angle was too big. Once again, the circle was the toughest. How do you draw something that really has no angles? They figured it out through trial and error. Oh, and they had to add code to let people running their project know how to draw the shapes, too. A couple of the 2nd grade students accidentally saved their next project over their shape project so they don’t have one to see but check out the rest:

As if that wasn’t enough, the final project for the year in 2nd grade was to create an All About Me project in Scratch. The project was supposed to include some kind of background which could be one from the Scratch library or one they drew, a sprite that represented them and that “talked” when the green flag was checked to introduce themselves and how the All About Me project worked. In addition to the main sprite, the project was supposed to include 3-5 additional sprites that would give more information about the student. Oh, and some of the sprites were supposed to do something in addition to “talking”. The end of the year came too fast and some students didn’t finish or barely got started. Here are the 2nd grade All About Me projects that have at least some of the project completed:

We’d love to know what you think about our Scratch projects. Please leave a comment and let us know! If you’re interested in all of the Scratch projects completed by St. Martin’s students this year, you can check them out in our StM 2013-2014 Studio.

Scratch in 3rd Grade

It wasn’t just 4th & 6th grades that got to create and show their knowledge in Scratch. 3rd grade also got involved.

First up for 3rd grade was a Shapes project. The goal of this project was to have Scratch the Cat draw a square, a circle, a triangle, and one of a pentagon, hexagon or octagon. Now, 3rd graders haven’t done much division yet but they can use multiplication to check if the times the loop is repeated multiplied by the angle the sprite turns equals 360. The most difficult shape to draw is a circle because you can’t just tell the sprite to turn at an angle of 360 degrees one time. Check out what the 3rd graders accomplished:

Once they were done drawing shapes, each 3rd grader then worked on an All About Me project in Scratch. The goal of this project was to have a sprite to represent you and then 5 (or more) additional sprites to tell more about you. In addition, at least some of the sprites were supposed to do more than just “say” something about the student. As you will see, the end of the year caught up with us and some students didn’t get this one finished. Check these out to learn more about our 3rd (now 4th) graders:

What did you think of the 3rd grade Scratch projects? Leave a comment and let us know! Check out all Scratch projects from this year in our StM 2013-2014 Studio for all of the projects completed by St. Martin’s students this year.

Scratch in 4th Grade

4th Grade started out their learning in Scratch with a challenging assignment – create something to educate about your mission in Scratch. Each year when 4th grade chooses their missions, they spend time during Computer classes learning about researching online and learning how to use EasyBib to cite their sources for their mission reports. This year in addition to the researching, each 4th grader also created a Mission Project in Scratch. Check them out and let us know what you think!

4th-Alexis-Mission 4th-Ciara-Mission
4th-Hallie-Mission 4th-Isabel-Mission
4th-Mariangel-Mission 4th-Miranda-Mission

Once the Scratch Mission Projects were complete, it was time to explore drawing in Scratch. The assignment was to have a sprite draw a square, a triangle, a circle, and at least one of a pentagon, hexagon, or octagon. If there was time, a “surprise” shape could also be drawn. Here’s what the girls came up with!

Now that the students knew that drawing was also possible in Scratch, they were challenged to create an All About Me project. In this project, the girls were to create a Scratch project to tell about themselves with a sprite to represent them and other sprites to tell more about them. Some of these got pretty creative – check them out!

What did you think of the 4th Grade Scratch projects? Leave a comment to let us know! Curious about what other grades at St. Martin’s did in Scratch this year? Check out all Scratch projects from this year in our StM 2013-2014 Studio.

Scratch in 6th Grade

After an introduction to coding during the Hour of Code, 6th grade spent some time learning and creating projects about Digital Citizenship. They got back to coding with Scratch to end out the year. Each student created three different projects in Scratch:

  1. First up was a shapes drawing project. The assignment was to program a sprite to draw a square, a triangle, a circle, at least one of a pentagon, hexagon, or octagon, and some kind of “surprise” shape. The 6th grades’ Scratch Shape projects are linked below or you can check them out in our StM2013-14 Shapes Studio and see what 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 7th grades did with the same assignment, too!
  2. Next, 6th grade was presented with a challenge to create a project using only the blocks below:
    How creative did they get? The 6th graders voted and thought Sean’s was the most creative. What do you think? Check out their projects at:

  3. Last, but certainly not least, 6th grade was challenged to create a game. They were given the directive that someone playing the game should know when they win the game and when they lose the game. There are some glitches in a few of the games and many of the students had more they wanted to do but they ran out of time. 6th grade voted for their favorite game and the winner was again Sean. Do you agree? Check out the games and let us know what your favorite is!

If you’re interested in all of the Scratch projects completed by St. Martin’s students this year, you can check them out in our StM 2013-2014 Studio.

What’s “hop”-ning in the lab

Happy Easter from the Computer Lab at St. Martin’s. Kindergarten and 1st Grade drew Easter pictures this week and played some Easter games. Check out Kindergarten’s Easter Eggs!

Some classes continued to work on ongoing projects this week:

  • 2nd & 3rd grades worked on drawing shapes in Scratch
  • 5th grade worked on their storyboards for book trailers
  • 6th grade finished up a Digital Citizenship lesson on giving credit
  • 7th grade finished up a lesson on paraphrasing
  • 8th grade continued to work on their Tech-lympics tutorials

4th grade continued to work on their Mission Project in Scratch with two of the students finishing their Scratch Mission projects this week! We will be sharing these later!

Kindergarten – Teaching Monsters to Read

St. Martin’s Kindergarten students love using the Teach Your Monster to Read website to learn about letter sounds and help their alien monster to repair their broken spaceship. Each student starts out by creating their very own monster and then taking their monster on adventures as they learn to read together.

In addition to using the Teach Your Monster to Read site, students also write a bit about their monster sharing their monster’s name and something that their monster likes and something that their monster doesn’t write. This year, Kindergarten students completed this assignment using a shared Google Presentation! It was fun to see them all working at once on the same presentation.

Are you curious about the monsters and their likes and dislikes? Check them out below!

5th Grade Digital Citizenship Posters

As part of the on-going Digital Citizenship lessons, 5th grade spent time exploring the Cyber Cafe. They then created a “poster” about what they felt was an important Digital Citizenship topic using the Big Huge Labs Motivator. It’s interesting that they all chose to create a poster about Cyberbullying.